Author: Dilip Amin

A "Scholar, a “Pundit” of Dharmic Traditions, an InterFaith Speaker at many gatherings including Schools, University’s, Temples, Cathedrals and general gatherings where seekers of Truth, Wisdom, Reality and Harmony congregate. He is a teacher of Jnana Yoga, the purification of awareness, and...

Padmaja Rao holds a master’s degree in Community Agency Counseling, post-master’s certificates (Peace & International Security Studies and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace), and is certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator. Padmaja has also actively volunteered to...

Purnima Nath is an entrepreneur, author, Hindu, activist, community builder and former candidate for Milwaukee County Executive (State of Wisconsin, USA). She writes/speaks in topics spanning religion, politics and philosophy. She is an engineer and graduate, earned her MBA from Northwestern University – Kellogg...