On Hinduism

This questions and answers document is prepared by a group of Hindu Speakers as a source of information for them or for any one seeking information on Hinduism. There are multiple ways of answering a single question and this group is not claiming to provide all potential answers here.

The target audience is 9th grader Abrahamic students in American Schools but it will be useful to anyone interested in learning about Hinduism. All answers are designed to answer in about a 3 minute time frame. We have also provided links to other reading materials and video links relating to each question.

Considering Hindu speakers are invariably asked some sensitive geopolitical questions, we have included some potentially sensitive topics here to help speakers answer them from Hindu perspective. However we wish to clarify that this group is composed of Hindus but the group does not have any political affiliation.

Questions starting with “z” are being worked on now. We hope to list some 300 questions and answers below.

If you wish to review these questions and answers in the PDF format, here it is.

300QAs on Hinduism (PDF)

If you have any feedback on these QAs, please write to HinduSpeakers@gmail.com. Thank you.

Dharma is not the same as religion. Dharma has the Sanskrit root dhri, which means, “that which upholds”, “that without which nothing can stand” or “that which maintains the stability and harmony of the universe.” Dharma is often translated as laws and order by which this universe is sustained.

This dharma is not only limited to human beings. Fire’s dharma is to burn and a tree’s dharma is to bear fruits. This dharma principle also applies even to an inert material, like an electron’s dharma is to constantly moving in an orbit around proton and neutron. The day electrons decide to be a-dharmic and stop moving in that orbit, the world will fall apart in a second.

Dharma is the mode of conduct for an individual that is most conducive to spiritual advancement. Dharma encompasses ethics, morality, natural laws, conduct, etc. that is the most harmonious and aligned way to live as a society and on this planet. Dharma is, therefore, a conduct according to principles of universal order, social and moral conduct, that is righteous and takes an individual closer to divinity.

Abrahamic traditions are looking for a moral code. Dharma is searching for T/truth.


Other reading material: Short answers to real questions about Hinduism, Rajiv Malhotra: Dharma is not the same as ReligionRajeev Singh: What is Dharma?

Relevant videos: Swami Nikhilanand Hinduism Q & A: What Is Dharm,

Contributor: Dilip Amin

Category: 09. Dharma