On Hinduism

This questions and answers document is prepared by a group of Hindu Speakers as a source of information for them or for any one seeking information on Hinduism. There are multiple ways of answering a single question and this group is not claiming to provide all potential answers here.

The target audience is 9th grader Abrahamic students in American Schools but it will be useful to anyone interested in learning about Hinduism. All answers are designed to answer in about a 3 minute time frame. We have also provided links to other reading materials and video links relating to each question.

Considering Hindu speakers are invariably asked some sensitive geopolitical questions, we have included some potentially sensitive topics here to help speakers answer them from Hindu perspective. However we wish to clarify that this group is composed of Hindus but the group does not have any political affiliation.

Questions starting with “z” are being worked on now. We hope to list some 300 questions and answers below.

If you wish to review these questions and answers in the PDF format, here it is.

300QAs on Hinduism (PDF)

If you have any feedback on these QAs, please write to HinduSpeakers@gmail.com. Thank you.

05. Traditions

Most Hindus belong to one of four major deity traditions (denominations)—Shaiva, Shakta, Vaishnava, and Smarta. The central deity worshipped and certain philosophical tenets differ. All denominations, however, share many core beliefs such as maya, karma, and moksha. All uphold the validity of Vedas. Shaivas primarily worship different forms of Lord Shiva; Shaktas worship Shakti, or the Divine Mother in Her various forms; Vaishnavas worship forms of Lord Vishnu; and Smartas worship different forms of six major deities, including Lord Shiva, Shakti, Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Lord Subramanya and Lord Surya, holding them all to be forms of Brahman, the eternal, infinite, unchanging principle that is the substratum of the universe and is both immanent and transcendent.


Other reading material:

Relevant videos

Contributor: Dharmi Sarkar

Category: 05. Traditions

The basic tenets of Hinduism that all Hindus believe in are the concepts of:

  1. Dharma: Dharma is laws and order by which this universe is sustained. Dharma is the mode of conduct for an individual that is most conducive to spiritual advancement.
  2. Karma: We are responsible for our actions. Sometimes, we might not understand the events of life, but they are the sum total of our karma over multiple lifetimes. However, our past karma only decides some situations in life (prarabdha), we still have control over our karma in this lifetime, and all our life in this lifetime is not predestined.
  3. Atman/Soul: meaning that there is a light within each living being and that we are beyond our physical bodies. The Atman cannot be killed or destroyed, only the physical body can be destroyed.
  4. Kaal chakra (Samsara, Wheel of life): meaning that there is a continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
  5. Moksha: That it is possible for human beings to realize their true nature and be one with their soul while in their physical body. Once the self realization happens, then one is said to attain moksha, and become free from the cycle of birth and death. 

Other reading material:

Relevant videos:

Contributor: Swati Sugandhi

URL link of this page: https://www.hinduspeakers.org/ufaqs/what-are-basic-tenets-of-hinduism/

Category: 05. Traditions
Category: 05. Traditions
Category: 05. Traditions
Category: 05. Traditions
Category: 05. Traditions